5 Software Development Trends for 2018: Developers Needed


Being wanted is the best feeling in the world.

Cheap Trick said it best:

“I want you to want me. I need you to need me”

Well, my developer friends, 2018 is your year. Businesses in practically every industry have a fever. And the only prescription?


I know, I know. The demand for developers is nothing new. But 2018 is different. 2018 is the year where we see some of this decade’s most exciting technologies become commercially viable, and others finally go mainstream. We’ll see new forms of immersive entertainment, and inanimate objects will come alive in ways that really feel real. Trying to undermine this progress are intelligent and dangerous threats that must be outsmarted and outworked. There’s endless opportunity and danger ahead, and who is society going to call on to help us navigate it?


Software Developer is now the #1 Best Job in the US and they have never been more important. Their work touches nearly every corner of our lives. Accordingly, the following software development trends for 2018 range from oil rigs to video games, and Wall Street to your living room. Many of these trends, like Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), will have an impact beyond our comprehension. 2018 will be an exciting and important year for software, and developers will play a fundamental role in it.

Without further ado, here are 5 software development trends that will dominate 2018.

  • Demand for Blockchain developers will explode
  • IoT gets pushed to the edge
  • Cybersecurity reaches an inflection point
  • Artificial intelligence becomes a necessity
  • Virtual reality (might) go mainstream


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5 Software Development Trends for 2018: Developers Needed

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